
Solar Energy Services

Solar energy can be accessible for anyone. Sunergia is here to make it happen. See how you can save resources in the future by building a solar power park today.

Full scale solar energy power park building and maintenance

We offer a full range of services consisting of analysis, documentation, design, project management, installation, and final permits to start producing your own green energy.

Building a solar park

The solar park building process first starts with a consultation that also includes profitability and ROI analysis performed by our solar experts. Next, we take care of preparing all the necessary documents and permits for the construction to start.

Solar park maintenance

We also offer solar park inspection and maintenance both for businesses and private households. The maintenance usually takes place once a year if not agreed differently with the customer.

Pile driving

We offer a ramming service, during which we install pile elements of different diameters, lengths and shapes into the ground. The maximum length of the rammed pile is 5.5 meters, which can be installed in the ground with a ramming machine. 

The pile driver machine moves under its own power without damaging the square or hard surface during maneuvering. The machine has a mast that can be moved in all directions, which ensures accurate pile driving even on rough surfaces. When driving, pile elements can be rammed into the ground and pulled out. 

Sunergia is useful for various jobs: driving all kinds of piles/posts, driving solar park ground frame piles, road fence piles, fence posts, drilling into bedrock, etc.

Benefits of solar energy


Risk-free investment


Energy independence from stock market price fluctuations


Optimization of energy use​


Reducing CO2 emissions


Use of free roof space or land


The easiest way to produce and sell energy


Commitment to the environment

energy class

Improvement of the energy class of the building

We represent top solar solution manufacturers

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