Air-water heat pumps
Air-to-water heat pumps economically heat both the home and household water
Economical, efficient and environmentally friendly
Economical, efficient and environmentally friendly air-to-water heat pumps that economically heat both the home and household water. The Sunergia product range includes the well-known manufacturer PANASONIC air-to-water heat pump, which is a heat pump based on the patented T-CAP technology.
Õhk-vesi soojuspump on kütteseadmete süsteem, mis kasutab ümbritsevast õhust võetavat soojusenergiat kütte- ja/või jahutusprotsessides. See tehnoloogia on loodussõbralikum ja energiatõhusam võrreldes traditsiooniliste küttesüsteemidega. Uue põlvkonna õhk-vesi soojuspumbad on suurepäraseks lahenduseks enamikes kodudes aastaringseks kasutamiseks.
Õhk-vesi soojuspump koosneb tavaliselt kahest peamisest osast: välis- ja siseseade. Välisseade võtab ümbritsevast õhust külma talvel ja kuuma suvel, seejärel kasutab sellest ammutatud soojus- või jahutusenergiat siseseadmes ning edastab seejärel soojuse või jahutuse hoone siseõhule.
Põhilise kütteallikana tulevad õhk-vesi soojuspumbad toime kenasti maja kütmiseks või jahutamiseks temperatuurivahemikus -20 kuni +40 kraadi, mis on sarnane Eesti kliimale. Süsteem suudab toota kütet isegi väga madalatel välistemperatuuridel, kuna õhus on alati mõnevõrra soojusenergiat. Samuti on õhk-vesi soojuspump võimeline tagama jahutust suvistel kuumadel päevadel, muutes selle mitmekülgseks lahenduseks nii kütte kui ka jahutuse jaoks.
Why choose an air-water heat pump
How does an air-water heat pump work?
What are the main advantages of an air-to-water heat pump?
Air-to-water heat pumps are energy efficient because they use heat extracted from the outside air or the ventilation system. This allows them to produce more thermal energy than they consume electricity.
Air-to-water heat pumps offer both heating and cooling functions. They can adapt to different weather conditions, making them usable all year round.
With a Panasonic heat pump, you also get peace of mind, because all Panasonic air conditioners come with a 5-year full factory warranty.
Air-to-water heat pumps are environmentally friendly because they use renewable heat from the outside air, which does not produce greenhouse gases or other environmentally harmful emission
Recognized air-water heat pumps
Panasonic’s powerful air-to-water heat pumps can save up to 80% of heating costs and heat your home even in the coldest Nordic winter.
In the case of T-CAP technology, it is a pipe-in-pipe heat exchanger, where hot freon gas is cooled down with cold gas, as a result of which the system’s working pressure decreases. Thanks to this, the device works efficiently down to -28C and maintains the nominal heating capacity up to -20C.

- Kõrge efektiivsus kuni -28°C
- 100% küttevõimsus ka -20 °C korral
- Maksimaalne veetemperatuur 60°C
- COP +7°C (Küttevee temp 35°C) 4,84
- A++ energiaklass kütmisel
- Aquarea Smart Cloud interneti juhtimisvõimalus
- 5-aastane tehase täisgarantii
- Köetav pind kuni 200m2
- Börsijuhtimise võimekus (lisavarustus)
- High efficiency down to -28°C
- 100% heating capacity even at -20 °C
- Maximum water temperature 60°C
- COP +7°C (Heating water temp 35°C) 4.74
- A++ energy class for heating
- Aquarea Smart Cloud internet management option
- 5 year full factory warranty
- Heated surface up to 280m2
- Stock market management capability (optional equipment)
- High efficiency down to -28°C
- 100% heating capacity even at -20 °C
- Maximum water temperature 60°C
- COP +7°C (Heating water temp 35°C) 4.28
- A++ energy class for heating
- Aquarea Smart Cloud internet management option
- 5 year full factory warranty
- Heated surface up to 350m2
- Stock market management capability (optional equipment)
Comparison of different heat pumps
Panasonic KIT-WXC16H9E8
Atlantic Excellia A.I TRI 16
Nibe Split AMS 10-16
Bosch Compress 7000 iAW 17
Heating capacity +7C/W35
16,00 kW
15,17 kW
16,00 kW
17,00 kW
COP +7C/W35
Heating capacity -15C/W35
16,00 kW
~10,00 kW
~10,00 kW
COP – 15C/W35
5 years
2 years
2 years
until 5 years
Operating range
until -28C
until -25C
until -20C
until -20C
All solutions in one place!
Solar energy, heating solution and ventilation – smart energy production, use and management!
Sunergia offers the best service and takes care of every detail and solution for the energy management of your home or business. Our main product range includes solar energy products and solutions, heating solutions and ventilation. We selectively offer solutions and products with the best technology. We integrate all solutions to make energy use efficient and achieve technological victory.
Energy-related solutions all in one place!
Coherence of systems and clearer accountability.
We selectively offer products and solutions with the best technology.
Solar energy, heating solution and ventilation all from one place.